سال :2003
نويسنده :Ailsa Allaby and 1 more
نوع جلد : paperback
ناشر : Oxford University Press
زبان : English
ابعاد :
19.05 x 3.56 x 12.7 cm
تعداد صفحات :640
ISBN :0198607601
توضيحات :
This is the most authoritative and wide-ranging dictionary of earth sciences available in a single volume. Compiled with the help of a team of specialist contributors, it has been substantially revised and updated for this new edition. It is essential reference for all students of the subject, especially those on interdisciplinary courses. The 6,000 entries provide broad coverage of climatology, economic geology, geochemistry, oceanography, petrology, and volcanology. There are entries on planetary science, remote sensing, statistics, and sequence stratigraphy, and substantial updating in palaeontology, mineralogy, and geophysics. A useful section of appendices includes wind strengths and time scales.